‹Programming› 2022
Mon 11 - Thu 14 April 2022
Jeff Smits

Registered user since Mon 3 Oct 2016

Name:Jeff Smits

I am a PhD student in the Programming Languages Research Group at Delft University of Technology. I have various research interests around language design and compiler technology. I’ve worked on declarative specification of data-flow analysis, practical incremental compilation for existing languages, and gradual types. I’ve designed FlowSpec, a domain-specific language for the specification of data-flow analysis. For incremental compilation I’ve taken apart the compiler of the Stratego term transformation language, and reassembled it as an incremental compiler. I’m currently working on introducing a gradual type system to Stratego. FlowSpec and Stratego are part of the Spoofax Language Workbench. I am supervised by Eelco Visser.

Affiliation:Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Research interests:Programming Languages


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