‹Programming› 2022
Mon 11 - Thu 14 April 2022

Posters and demonstrations are an integral part of ‹Programming›. ‹Programming› 2022 solicits posters and proposals for demos related to the topics of the conference. Accepted demos and posters may be presented first on site, in Porto, or online later, during the main conference days.

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Wed 23 Mar

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

10:30 - 12:00
Programming Geo-Distributed Systems using ECROs (demo)
Posters and Demonstrations
Kevin De Porre Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Elisa Gonzalez Boix Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
WOOD: An out-of-things Debugger for IoT applications (demo)
Posters and Demonstrations
Carlos Rojas Castillo Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Matteo Marra Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Jim Bauwens Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Elisa Gonzalez Boix Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Flec: practical CRDTs on IoT hardware (demo)
Posters and Demonstrations
Jim Bauwens Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Elisa Gonzalez Boix Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
13:30 - 15:00
Posters Session | OpenSpace IIPosters and Demonstrations at OpenSpace
Genetic Engine: Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming without the grammar (poster)
Posters and Demonstrations
Leon Ingelse LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Guilherme Espada LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Paulo Canelas LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Pedro Barbosa LASIGE, Alcides Fonseca LASIGE, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
Less Is More: Merging AST Nodes To Optimize Interpreters (poster)
Posters and Demonstrations
Octave Larose University of Kent, Sophie Kaleba University of Kent, Stefan Marr University of Kent
Enhancing DrRacket with Dodona for Learning Scheme (poster)
Posters and Demonstrations
WARDuino IoT: Virtual Machine Technology for Programming IoT Applications on Embedded Systems (poster)
Posters and Demonstrations
Robbert Gurdeep Singh Universiteit Gent, Belgium, Tom Lauwaerts Universiteit Gent, Belgium, Christophe Scholliers Universiteit Gent, Belgium
15:30 - 17:00
Open Space IIIOpen Space at OpenSpace
Open Space Wed V
Open Space

Open Space Wed VI
Open Space

Thu 24 Mar

Displayed time zone: Lisbon change

10:30 - 12:00
Programming languages | OpenSpace IVPosters and Demonstrations at OpenSpace
Genetic Engine: Genetic Programming for the Common Programmer (demo)
Posters and Demonstrations
Guilherme Espada LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Leon Ingelse LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Alcides Fonseca LASIGE, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
Dive into LiquidJava ⁠— Extending Java with Liquid Types (demo)
Posters and Demonstrations
Catarina Gamboa LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Paulo Canelas LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Christopher Steven Timperley Carnegie Mellon University, Alcides Fonseca LASIGE, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
WARDuino IoT: Virtual Machine Technology for Programming IoT Applications on Embedded Systems (demo)
Posters and Demonstrations
Tom Lauwaerts Universiteit Gent, Belgium, Robbert Gurdeep Singh Universiteit Gent, Belgium, Christophe Scholliers Universiteit Gent, Belgium
13:30 - 15:00
Open Space VOpen Space at OpenSpace
Open Space Thu III
Open Space

Open Space Thu IV
Open Space

Not scheduled yet

Not scheduled yet
Who You Gonna Call? A study of the call-site behaviour of Ruby-on-Rails applications (poster)
Posters and Demonstrations
Sophie Kaleba University of Kent

Posters & Demos

Dive into LiquidJava ⁠— Extending Java with Liquid Types (demo)
Posters and Demonstrations
Enhancing DrRacket with Dodona for Learning Scheme (poster)
Posters and Demonstrations
Flec: practical CRDTs on IoT hardware (demo)
Posters and Demonstrations
Genetic Engine: Genetic Programming for the Common Programmer (demo)
Posters and Demonstrations
Genetic Engine: Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming without the grammar (poster)
Posters and Demonstrations
Less Is More: Merging AST Nodes To Optimize Interpreters (poster)
Posters and Demonstrations
Programming Geo-Distributed Systems using ECROs (demo)
Posters and Demonstrations
WARDuino IoT: Virtual Machine Technology for Programming IoT Applications on Embedded Systems (demo)
Posters and Demonstrations
WARDuino IoT: Virtual Machine Technology for Programming IoT Applications on Embedded Systems (poster)
Posters and Demonstrations
Who You Gonna Call? A study of the call-site behaviour of Ruby-on-Rails applications (poster)
Posters and Demonstrations
WOOD: An out-of-things Debugger for IoT applications (demo)
Posters and Demonstrations

Call for Posters and Demos

Posters are an excellent opportunity for authors to receive feedback from the ‹Programming› community and encourage one-to-one and small group discussions on a technical topic. The Poster Sessions aim at showcasing very recent or ongoing work, clarifying problem statements, vetting solutions, or identifying evaluation methods in an interactive way. Students are especially encouraged to submit their ongoing work and to introduce it to peer researchers.

Demonstrations facilitate exchange and provide a platform for authors to showcase their work in live sessions. Demo submissions may include, but are not limited to:

  • demonstrations of research prototypes and proofs of concept,
  • tool tutorials,
  • demonstrations of commercial or in-house applications,
  • live coding sessions,
  • and performances.

We especially encourage authors of accepted papers of co-located workshops and the main conference to also submit a demo proposal. We hope that this will give them the opportunity to show their work in action, and increase the visibility of their results.

Submission Guidelines

Posters and demos will be evaluated based on their contribution and relevance to ‹Programming›. Submissions must be in PDF-format and include:

  • the submission title,
  • the names and affiliations of the authors,
  • the type of submission (demo or poster).

Demo Submissions

Demo submissions must further include:

  • a description of the demo, including a statement on the intended audience (150-300 words),
  • the intended duration of the demo.

Demo slots are planned for 30 minutes max. For accepted demos, the demo title, description, and presenters will be listed on the website. They will not be published in the ACM DL.

Optionally, a link to a (short) video or screenshots can be submitted to support the proposal.

On site, only the basic demonstration set-up (a suitably sized room with a table, projector, screen, electrical power, and a generally available wireless network connection) will be provided. Any special needs or requirements for the demonstration, e.g., additional equipment, room set-up, or a wired network connection, must be communicated at submission time, and the Demos Chairs will advise the submitters if it is possible to fulfill those requirements.

Poster Submissions

Posters can be submitted in two ways:

  1. a 1-page draft of the poster accompanied by a 2-page extended abstract (excluding references) which contains a description of the motivation, the addressed problem, the proposed solution, and the results so far.
  2. a sole 1-page draft of the poster in case if you already have an accepted paper at 2022 to illustrate the ideas in that paper.

The accepted 2-page extended abstracts will appear in the ACM Digital Library (ACM DL) as part of the ‹Programming› 2022 Conference Companion. They should conform to the ACM SIGPLAN conference template, using the acmart class with the sigconf option.


Because of this year’s dual format of the conference, when submitting, please indicate if you intend to present at the on-site venue (in Porto, Mon 21 - Fri 25 March), the online venue (Mon 11 - Thu 14 April) or both. Final commitment to the intended venue(s) will be definitive only closer to the event days, to accommodate all the personal uncertainties of our pandemic context.

At least one of the authors is expected to register for the conference only or the full conference, and present the demo or poster at one of the conference venues (on-site in Porto or online).